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The 13 Coolest Pools From Around The World

Some of the coolest pools in the world. From China, to Australia, to Dubai these pools have both beauty and grand views. Which one is your favorite? Share these amazing pools with


Scientists Uncover A Shocking Discovery Underneath The Easter Island Heads

Easter Island’s monumental stone heads are well-known, but there’s more to the story: all along, the sculptures have secretly had torsos, buried beneath the earth. Archaeologists have documented 887 of the

Funny People

Nick Offerman Is Growing Pizzas On Vines To Raise Awareness For The Heart Association

In an effort to spread awareness on the growing rate of serious health problems in children, the American Heart Association teamed up with comedian Nick Offerman (of “Parks and Recreation”

Animals Funny

Some of the Funniest Cat Pictures On The Web

There are SO many funny animal pictures on the web. Especially pictures of cats. We thought we would create a page dedicated to funny cat pictures. Please send us your


You Won’t Believe What Doctors Found Inside This Man’s Ear

You won’t believe what doctors found lurking in this man’s ear. A man arrived at the South Zone ENT Research Centre in India complaining that his ear was itchy. The doctor looked


Seagull Steals Tourist’s GoPro, And Captures Amazing Footage Of The Spanish Coast

This is an awesome video of a gutsy seagull who decided to take off with a tourist GoPro camera. These unsuspecting people decided to go out with their GoPro to capture


Gigantic Great White Shark Attacks Divers

There isn’t a person out there that doesn’t think about sharks when they are about to swim in the ocean. There are some people who won’t even go in an ocean because of

Funny Humor


We saw this funny image on ifunny.com and thought we would share. You can almost hear the laughter in the room and the look of pure horror from the guy when

Animals Food

Adorable Animal Cupcakes From Instagramer: animalcakes

Some people are just extremely talented. This food designer Amelia on Instagram at animalcakes makes creating cute cupcakes of animals look super easy. NOT! I tried making the penguins cupcakes and