Scientists Uncover A Shocking Discovery Underneath The Easter Island Heads

Scientists Uncover A Shocking Discovery Underneath The Easter Island Heads

Easter Island’s monumental stone heads are well-known, but there’s more to the story: all along, the sculptures have secretly had torsos, buried beneath the earth. Archaeologists have documented 887 of the massive statues, known as moai, but they believe there may be up to as many as 1,000 of them located on the island 2,000 miles west of Chile.

There are about 150 statues buried up to their shoulders on the slope of a volcano, and these are the most famous of all the Easter Island statues. Most people have only seen photos of the heads and no one ever knew that the statues had full bodies. The images below show the full excavation of the statues and the massive size of these beautiful structures.

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Photos: ArtNet News


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