Sidewalk Paintings of HUGE Gummy Bears Come To Life When Viewed From Above

The Malta Street Art Festival, featured artist Leon Keer with his colorful bright, somewhat distorted gummy bears. Up close the images appeared to be skewed but when viewed from above they appear life like. Kerr prides himself on being a unique artist with the ability to take perspective and illusion and conform life like replicas of everyday life.
The bears don’t seem to be celebrating their position on the Valetta waterfront however, as their composition looks as if they’re mourning a fallen green friend, which Keer confirms is indeed deceased. He works with a mixture of techniques, using a rich variety of materials, ranging from professional acrylic paints to adhesives, solvents, primers and tar.
Keer began painting while working on large commercial murals for multinational corporations. His commissions have stretched from Europe to Asia and have included work for Coca-Cola. To see some of his past works we previously featured click here or for more information and images of his work visit his site at
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